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Associated Students (AS) are the center of campus involvement, connection and service, to enrich the experience of the entire student body. Partnership between the MESE and AS allows the free and continual exchange of information between medical and law students, and provide resources to support campus-wide activities and events, and advocate for Medicolegal, Ethical, Patient Safety & the Right to Health issues on local, statewide and national levels.

The MESE also offers AS the opportunity to advance their knowledge and to maintain their networking & collaboration through organizational activities.

List of Associated Students

Event Planning Recommendations

Educational institution
1. Hawassa University


Bereket & Ananya

Event Planning

Here are some recommendations to help assist with event ideas, starting points, and collaborations:

  • For collaboration ideas, resources, and more visit the Student Group Network.

  • The Event Intake Form is the place to start when you are ready to book an event.

  • Check the MESE Student Group List to find other groups that may have a similar mission or interest in your event.

  • View the MESE Event Calendar to see what other events are happening that you could collaborate with or dates to avoid such as homecoming.

No. of members

[MESE Conference & Event Services]

MESE Conference & Event Services (CES) is dedicated to helping Student groups plan and host events on campus.  

Conference & Event services encourages all Medical and Law student groups to meet their coordinators, stakeholders and call to schedule appointments to discuss large events.

Event Planning Checklist

MESE Conference & Event Services has also put together an Event Planning Checklist to help Student Groups plan their next event! Be sure to follow it to ensure a smooth process from start to finish.

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